Today marks the end of a very different half term from what I had in mind. A week ago I knew I was tired and needed a rest, but I didn’t realise just how run down I must have been. From Sunday until Thursday I had so little energy I basically didn’t go out. On one day, I didn’t even walk the dogs. At all. Unheard of. The consequences are that during this week I have done a lot of resting, some sewing and some thinking.

To find out how to join in with Sunday Sevens, hop on over to Nat’s blog at Threads and Bobbins. It’s a great way of documenting your week using images and a few words.

1. I tried to eat well to speed my recovery.

2. I managed to take the dogs on a walk where they were allowed off the leads. It was short but sunny and they loved it.

3. Pancake day! I celebrated a day late and consumed said pancakes as a second breakfast, but thoroughly enjoyed them. Lemon juice and sugar, obviously.

4. The upside of being confined to the house was spending lots of time with the dogs. Wilf realised it IS possible to sit on my knee whilst I sew.

5. I’m still desperately awaiting spring. I can tell it’s close, I’ve had washing on the line and felt some warmth in the February sunshine. Spring flowers are my favourites, though misplaced apostrophes are not…

6. I’m in the midst of preparing for a new, vintage adventure at school. As soon as I could get to town, I headed for charity shops in search of vintage items. The downside is bringing them home and washing them.

7. Two of my firmest friends this week; whisky and honey. In truth, I’m not sure how much they helped but I consumed plenty of both hoping to chase away any germs.


I’m now preparing for the new half term. There are a couple of projects in the pipeline that I’m looking forward to getting my teeth into, plus plenty to keep me busy in the classroom. Hopefully I’ll still have time for a little sewing on the side…